So here's a thing...
... this whole worldwide highly infectious pandemic situation hasn't exactly given me the creative shot in the arm nor kick in the keister that I'd have liked. Rather, I've become rather adept at sliding from one end of the couch to the other without disturbing the cats while bingeing some godawful show I have no interest in on Netflix.
Anyhoo... one person who is definitely not like that is a dear friend and someone I've dying to work with for as long as I've known her, Margaret MacDonald. She tells me a little while ago she's looking for a short script with some particular parameters that she can just, you know, make. "Hey!" says I, "I might have something to suit over here in my den of procrastination."
And hey presto, as if by magic, I'm a writer, actor and co-producer. She's good like that, Margaret. As well as producing, she will be handling the heavy load in the director's chair and we're working with some simply amazing acting talent in the likes of Caroline McQuade, Seaton Kay-Smith, Ben Hamilton and Paul Chambers.
Oh, and I have to take a moment to give our creature effects guy, Clinton Dessmann, a shout out because... Goddamn!